AAS stands for Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. It is a high-sensitivity analysis system. It can detect different types of heavy metal from any crystal clear liquid sample. It can detect lower range. It has two methods of running the total procedure. Flame and Furnace are this methods. Flame for normal range and Furnace for lower range. The sample must be in liquid form. We can test the following elements: Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Na, K, Mg, Ca, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Pb, Sb, Sn, Ni, Se, Al & As.
Model: AA-7000
Brand: Shimadzu
Manufacturer: Shimadzu Corporation, Japan

Soil | Food (meat ,fish and others) | Animal feeds | Seed meals and Plants| Fertilizers| Fish and Fish feeds| Milk | Sludge | Sediment | Plastics | Surface water and more.
Users : FWT, FMRT ,SWE, ES, Physics, Chemistry, AT, BGE and others Disciplines of Khulna University and Other Related Universities and Institutions.
Test Fee (Per Sample): 300